Our Parent Company, Compass Group UK&I, Generates Staggering £2bn of Social Value in Three Years

07 October 2024
  • Compass Group UK & Ireland has generated £2.148bn in Social and Local Economic Value since 2021, measured and validated by Social Value Portal
  • In 2023 a Social and Local Economic Value of £838.1m was achieved (an increase of 42% from £591m in 2021). This is an average contribution of £16,363 in Social Value per Compass employee
  • Since 2021, the company has generated £17.2m of Social Value through interventions such as investment in skills, community support and social enterprise engagement
  • Social Value activity has positively impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people across the country

Compass Group UK & Ireland, the UK’s largest food and support services business, has generated £2.148bn of Social and Local Economic Value, between 2021-2023. This figure has been measured and validated by Social Value Portal using the Social Value TOM System*. Compass has seen its Social Value grow year on year, as a result of its continued focus in this area, leading to an increase in local employment and positive actions Compass has taken in relation to its people, community support and social enterprise engagement.

As one the UK’s largest employers, £831.5m of Social and Local Economic value was generated as a result of the company employing 44% of its workforce within 15 miles of their homes. Further Social Value has been achieved through key priority areas such as its investment in apprenticeships and skills development, support to get people into employment and school engagement programmes.

The strong relationships the business has built with Voluntary Community and Social Enterprises has seen spend grow by 50% compared with 2022 - with companies such as The Uncommon winemaker and Page & Bloom joining the supply chain.

Other key Social Value impact highlights include:

  • 3,469 new weeks of apprenticeships delivered
  • Over 17,000 weeks of apprenticeship upskilling delivered
  • Over 600 apprenticeships underway
  • Over 32,000 hours of Diversity & Inclusion training undertaken
  • More than 330 contracts paying Real Living Wage (RLW) – an additional 20,000 workers now in receipt of RLW or above
  • Launched a new career hub specifically for people who are from a range of backgrounds who are facing barriers to entry into the job market
  • Spent £4.4m with social enterprises
  • Donated over £295k and fundraised over £176k
  • Provided 106k children with culinary and nutritional workshops
  • Created an industry leading climate Transition Plan reporting a -9.4% absolute reduction in emissions (Scope 1, 2 and 3) inclusive of 20% business growth (FY19 – FY23).

Compass drives its Social Value through its three promises – Our Climate Promise; Our Social Promise and Our Wellbeing Promise. The business has set ambitious targets to achieve by 2030, generating Social Value for its people, clients and communities in which it works. Future plans will continue momentum in doing good through these commitments.

Commenting on the company’s Social Value impact, Robin Mills, CEO, Compass Group UK & Ireland said:

“Our ongoing commitment to delivering Social Value for the many communities in which we operate is part of our DNA. This is seeing us drive real change as a social mindset is truly embedded into the business.”

“The progress we have made is a result of the many hard working and dedicated people we employ across our business going above and beyond to support the communities we operate in. I’d like to thank them for the important contribution they make, which has the power to positively change people’s lives. We are committed to continuing to be a force for good.”

Guy Battle, CEO, at Social Value Portal said:

“As one of the UK’s largest employers, Compass has harnessed its extensive operational reach to drive positive change across the nation - demonstrating the immense potential of the private sector. Their approach exemplifies true Social Value: not just a commitment in a bid, or a one-off initiative, but an organisation-wide ethos woven into business strategy. From their supply chains and corporate policies to their climate, social and wellbeing promises, they are aiming high and playing a key role in the development of the Social Value Economy. We at Social Value Portal are proud to support their journey.”

To read the full report visit here.